
Take control of your fleet Online or offline.

Our essential and most comprehensivevehicle tracking with added safety andconvenience functionality.

We have continuously provided innovative,affordable products and services in theinterest of protecting your vehicles andfamily. With our ‘Safe & Sound’ trackingtechnology, we can ensure that we’re alwaysthere when it matters.


Kamwe Protect

Kamwe is always in control, proactively taking care of you and your loved onesby allowing you to personally track and monitor your vehicle anywhere in the world. Kamwe enables you to track your car with or without internet connection. You are able to customize notifications alerts on your Kamwe mobile app.

  • Real time tracking/ visibility
  • Satellite coverage
  • web/Mobile App
  • Battery disconnect
  • Over speeding/ speed control
  • Route planning
  • Intergrade map layers
  • Risk notifications
  • Live traffic
  • Ignition status
  • Zone management
  • Reports

Kamwe Care

KAMWE CARE Our MOST COMPREHENSIVE vehicletracking protection for you and yourfamily.

  • Wireless unit with 5 Years battery life
  • Dust proof
  • Jamming detection